Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Shooting Lasers to Make Fake Stars A night of lasers and unit...

Shooting Lasers to Make Fake Stars

A night of lasers and unit telescopes at Paranal Observatory, south of Antofagasta, Chile, and operated by the European Southern Observatory. The folks over at the Paranal Observatory shoot these lasers into the night sky in order to form a light spot. As mentioned by AtacamaPhotos "The spot serves as an artificial guide star to analyze atmospheric turbulences which are then corrected with the Adaptive Optics System.". The image above was captured by — David Jones

The Very Large Telescope (VLT) is a telescope operated by the European Southern Observatory on Cerro Paranal in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile.

The VLT consists of four individual telescopes, each with a primary mirror 8.2m across, which are generally used separately but can be used together to achieve very high angular resolution. [**]

flickeringmuse: The Laws of Robotics 1. A robot may not injure...


The Laws of Robotics

1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

2. A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.

I'm on your blog liking and reblogging shit. Who gon check me boo?

The honor is mine <3

the thing that discourages me the most when I want to post more science is when people say stupid...

the thing that discourages me the most when I want to post more science is when people say stupid shit to me like “I prefer it when you post science”. It initially sounds well intended and well meaning but given a closer look given the context of my blog you’re really saying you prefer it if I shut up about racism and other equality issues so I can be a good boy and post some of that KEWL SCIENCE for you, and something about that doesn’t sit right with me.

The Submillimeter Array (SMA) antennas appear in the background...

The Submillimeter Array (SMA) antennas appear in the background and seemingly engulfed in a melting ice droplet in these mesmerizing images captured by — Glen Petitpas

The Submillimeter Array (SMA) is an 8-element radio interferometer located atop Mauna Kea in Hawaii.

Operating at frequencies from 180 GHz to 700 GHz, the 6m dishes may be arranged into configurations with baselines as long as 509m, producing a synthesized beam of sub-arcsecond width. Each element can observe with two receivers simultaneously, with 2 GHz bandwidth each.

The digital correlator backend allows flexible allocation of thousands of spectral channels to each receiver. (via Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory)

stellar-indulgence: A sample of professional work by Reid...


A sample of professional work by Reid Southen

"do you think calling me "angry" is an insult. every time you call me "angry" i hear your voice..."

"do you think
calling me "angry"
is an insult.
every time you call me "angry"
i hear your voice salt with guilt
i laugh.
look how easy it is to reveal you."

- anger is a healthy and natural response to oppression, nayyirah waheed (via nayyirahwaheed)


the sexual otp you and I have

rewind-button-girl: Anytime someone questions my support for...


Anytime someone questions my support for President Obama I'm just going to pull up my Tumblr and show them this. 

There's nothing wrong with criticizing and supporting some of the things he talks about at the same time. He can make a speech like this and it would truly be better than to keep mum about this subject, but that doesn't absolve him of his war crimes and his administration's insistence on continuing the war on black and brown people drug/ terrorism. There's nothing wrong with supporting the aspects of Obama shown in the above photoset and they really are touching and relevant to today, but you close yourself off to the other problems when you say shit like "I support Obama and anyone who questions this support by bringing up his other heinous policies will get photosets and other media of his prominent speeches" (because let's face it that's all you have to do to question someone's support for Obama.. question what policies he's royally fucking up with). That's like siding with the killer of a movie that say, killed 100 kids but managed to console a few others in the process. Oh wait it's not really a simile since his drone war really did kill hundreds of innocents and his prolonged war on terrorism really does jail or kill even more innocents be it directly or indirectly because of these shit policies.

tl;dr: agreeing with your president's stances and refusing to fully support him due to other problematic issues he promotes as a president aren't mutually exclusive

just-art: Illustrations by Shannon Posedenti


Illustrations by Shannon Posedenti

beautifulbbliss: Early but hey.. #Tbt #beautifulbbliss ughhhh...


Early but hey.. #Tbt #beautifulbbliss

ughhhh your hair! <3


"When white colonizers and imperialists wreak havoc on our lands, resources and civilizations, its..."

"When white colonizers and imperialists wreak havoc on our lands, resources and civilizations, its written as "human nature" and an innate weakness of "mankind". That's how the media always portrays it. Only white people are given this realm of being described as "mankind" when they terrorize "the other". Their race is never scrutinized. When brown or black people do anything unsightly, its by the virtue of our skin and something wired in our societies. Our biology destined us to be that way. I keep my children away from western television for this exact reason. I don't need this type of double-standarded, dehumanizing sub-par filth media infiltrating my home."

- So my uncle in Eritrea tells me he disconnected the cable from his home, I ask him why and this is his response. (via maarnayeri)

iwantpasserbytodestroyme: maisonmartinmargielous: ***straight cis white dude voice*** stereotypes...



***straight cis white dude voice*** stereotypes wouldn't exist if there wasn't any truth to them

and yet somehow this logic is never supposed to apply to the "stereotype" that white people are racist, or that men are sexist, etc.




heirofmedusa: White people continue to suck. this is what...


White people continue to suck.

this is what people mean when they say poc generalizations have far worst implications to our existence than generalizations made on whites. see this shit? they can get away with that and people will find it funny or harmless that these white dudes are all portraying blackface and enforcing the narrative of the "thug black guy" as a caricature and not a human. which is why I will forever give a scarce amount of fucks for white people's feelings when discussing racism or engaging in antiracist content that makes fun of idiots like these.

disciplesofmalcolm: "It is incorrect to classify the revolt of...


"It is incorrect to classify the revolt of the Negro as simply a radical conflict of black against white or as a purely American problem. Rather, we are today seeing a global rebellion of the oppressed against the oppressor, the exploited against the exploiter."

-Malcolm X

animeshawty: it doesnt make you a shitty person for calling out someone who has wronged you it...


it doesnt make you a shitty person for calling out someone who has wronged you

it doesnt make you a shitty person to share your experiences wanting to warn others

it doesnt make you a shitty person for trying to stand up for yourself 

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