Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Vegan Problems

Oh, I was under the impression that gelatin was just bone, skin and cartilage? I can't seem to find definitive information online.

My guess is they're probably not very careful to seperate meat from bone while processing gelatine

and idk but bone, skin, and cartilage doesn't sound very vegetarian to me.

In response to your post about vegetarians who eat gelatin, why the hate? From what I understand, eating gelatin does not breach the diet of a vegetarian. So what's the problem? Are they not 'committed' enough? At least they're making an effort, which is more than can be said or the majority of the population.

Yes, they are making an effort, and while I appreciate that, why would you have a problem with eating meat, but no problem with eating ground up chunks of meat/bone ? That makes no sense to me

Something I think i should mention

I don’t have anything against vegetarians.

I appreciate any steps taken towards reducing cruelty towards animals. 

However, I am surprised when people are vegetarian because they’re against animal cruelty, for health reasons, for environmental reasons, or for economical reasons, and refuse to consider veganism.

If you’re vegetarian for all the reasons most people are vegan, why not look into it? Why not consider making the transition? You’ve already got a leg up since you’ve cut out meat, when it comes to meat substitutes/ making delicious meat-free meals. 

I guess what I’m trying to say is don’t feel content with just cutting out meat if the reason you did it comes from your conscience. 

If you feel what animals go through to end up as meat is cruel and wrong, I’m certain you would feel the same about leather, dairy, eggs, etc.

I’d encourage you to start testing your own beliefs and see if making the switch to veganism would fit you better. 

'Vegetarians' who still eat gelatin...




I don't. I'm very conscious of avoiding it. Ugh.

I’m glad :D

'Vegetarians' who still eat gelatin...


When someone makes fun of me for being vegan

"Do do vegans spit or swallow?"



"We found the vegan" posts.

Passing a truck full of chickens on their way to the slaughter house.

My favorite vegan thing to eat



Ex-vegans that then make fun of vegans

when someone randomly claims to hate vegans


Hey, I really love your blog, you're hilarious. :) When I was nine I became a vegetarian, and then at age ten I became a vegan. It wasn't easy though, because my mum thought she could outsmart me by telling me that she wasn't going to buy substitutes or anything, so (being a very dramatic child), I went on a hunger strike and refused to eat any food until she gave in and started buying vegan. I was a brat, but I've been a vegan for six years, and my girlfriend is too. We both enjoy your blog. :)

Oh my god! You were an awesome child, hot damn. That hilarious. I'M glad you like my blog! 

You are the kind of vegan I like. I respect you for simply bringing up the problems you have with ignorant non-vegans instead of bashing meat eaters or calling them unholy bloodmouths. Thank you much.

Most vegans were not vegan since birth, so I think it's unfair and unhelpful to generalize all meat-eaters into the "animal hating asshole committee". I think a hell of a lot more people would go vegan if they had the right education and knew how many wonderful vegan food options there were and so on. 

Thanks for your sweet message! :)

Somebody literally forced me to eat meat one time- as in they pried open my mouth and shoved a **"teeny tiny"** piece of beef in.

jesus fucking christ 

Maybe this is not the right place to ask, forgive me if so, but what do you think about smoking and being vegan?

As far as I know, just about all tobacco companies test on animals, and some cigarettes contain animal ingredients.

And, if you respect and love animals, respect and love you too. If you're a smoker, I'm sure you've heard this a million times, but it is very bad for your health and it would benefit you so much to quit. <3

Glad I found your blog. It's hilarious. ^_^ I'm not a vegan (but I am a strict vegetarian with strong vegan tendencies, slowly making my way to being vegan), but keep up the good work.

*high fives*

So proud of you for taking steps towards veganism! :D

I'm curious, how do you feel about hunting? I am a hunter but am adamantly against factory farming and always make sure to kill animals quick and use as much of the carcass as I can, so that would be the kind that I am referring to (not that trophy hunting bs)

Well, of course, as a vegan, I can't say I'm for the killing and eating of animals, but in a lot of ways, subsistence hunting is a hell of a lot less cruel and wasteful than factory farming. The animal got to live its life out in the wild, at least. I appreciate that you try not to let the animals suffer, and that you use as much of the animal as possible. 

I wouldn't be doing "my job" as a vegan if I didn't mention that I think it's be great if you looked into vegetarianism/veganism and see if maybe giving up meat is an option, but my bottom line on hunting is it's not good, but the kind of hunting you describe seems to be a hell of a lot less cruel and wasteful than factory farming.

hi! i just found your blog and it's amazing :) i was wondering if you have any tips of knowing whether milk is in certain types of breads without having to read the ingredients? when i don't pack my lunch at school i try to just get some fruit and a wheat roll from the cafeteria or just when i go out to restaurants and want bread with my soup? are there certain kinds that are typically made and not made with milk that you know of? Thanks :)

Unfortunately, I don't think there's any way to tell without reading the ingredients list. However, if you ask the people serving lunch to check, they might be able to tell you. Or, if you know what company supplies your school's lunches you might be able to look it up. :)

today is what i've begun calling my 1st "veganniversary"


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